Ubuntu is a very popular Operating System, that uses the Linux kernel. Though it is used primarily on personal computers, its server version has been gaining in popularity lately as well. Ubuntu is one of the lightest Linux releases available and it is compatible with almost any kind of hardware, that makes it a universal Operating System. It's also very stable and secure and has an no less than a 5-year support life cycle, so you can receive official security and performance updates. Unlike a number of other OS's, Ubuntu is distributed devoid of license fees and you can customize its core, and all of the thousands of packages it features, in any way you find fit. This will enable you to install the proper software environment for all your web applications regardless of their requirements. Because of the popularity of the OS, Ubuntu has large developer and user communities, which means that you can always find find lots of materials on the Internet related to any question or problem that you might have.
Ubuntu in Dedicated Servers
Ubuntu is one of the OS options that you'll find on our registration page when you choose to get one of our dedicated servers. We will install the 32-bit or the 64-bit release, to satisfy the system requirements of the apps that you would like to install on the server. You can also choose the software which will run on your machine, since we will install only the Apache web server software, so all else can be custom software that you choose. You're able to set up the latter without any problems through a Secure Shell console, as you will receive root-level access and you'll get full control over the server. You are free to set up a web hosting Control Panel too and control some things through a graphical interface, as long as it can function on an Ubuntu-driven machine. To make things simpler for you, we also offer a Managed Services upgrade, which, among other things, features OS updates.