Inside the MotivatedTalents Web Hosting Control Panel, there is also a hassle–free tool which will allow you to install a brand new PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool completes the entire task for you, and thus gets rid of the requirement to get a hold of, embed and afterwards configure your framework before you start any project. You’re prepared to start your framework dependent venture very fast, with little effort.

Numerous frameworks readily available

Start your web projects by employing a framework

Via the MotivatedTalents Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to install a popular open–source PHP framework. We have prepared a choice of the most common frameworks that are available today online – CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII. It is possible to incorporate just about any framework on any site that’s hosted within your hosting account.

Our PHP Framework Installer tool is available with all of the web hosting solutions that come with our Web Hosting Control Panel – hosting, VPS servers,dedicated servers, and semi-dedicated servers.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework installation

Your personal PHP framework is simply a mouse click away

The PHP Framework Installer is designed to allow you to get started with your web projects really easy. In the tool we’ve implemented the instant installation technology that gives you an option to key in your preferences and initiate the set up process with simply a mouse click.

You can now install a PHP framework with only a click of the mouse. Everything you should do is choose where to integrate in the server. Our smart tool will conduct the configuration job for you, which means you can start employing your framework straightaway.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The best way to back up a framework

Once your information is online, the most efficient way to secure it is by maintaining a backup. We provide regular data backup for every one of the hosting accounts. Nevertheless, if you wish to be in complete control, you’ll be able to back up your frameworks at any time. We’ve developed a smart system that allows you to set up a backup with merely a click of the mouse.

There’s no limit for the number of backup files you can create or how frequently you can create them. All backups are going to be saved in a folder within your account. So long as you have free space, you could make as many new backups as you need.

1-click backup