We’ve integrated a couple of Website Instruments in your Web Hosting Control Panel that will help successfully market your sites on the Internet. Our sitemap generator may help you obtain a complete sitemap of your web site. Furthermore, you are able to publish that sitemap to the major search engines to list your website. The RSS News publishing software will allow you to create regularly refreshed content material on your home page so you’ll get greater chances to move higher in search engine rankings. In addition, we’ve provided a GeoIP redirection instrument that will enable you to target your visitors more precisely in accordance with their geographic location.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your webpages in an instant

The simplest way to get your recently launched web site placed in the search engines will be to publish a sitemap. The sitemap displays the whole set of webpages on your website and by submitting it to a search engine, you inform it that you want those pages to be indexed without delay. Sitemaps are typically generated by third–party instruments. Nonetheless, here, it’s not necessary to navigate out of your Web Hosting Control Panel. Our own custom–made Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Applications area and is going to generate a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.

All that you should do is choose the highest quantity of web pages you wish to be crawled, the range of the crawled links along with the extension of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Physical location–focused redirections with just a click

MotivatedTalents provides you with a simple way to direct your clients according to their location. With the GeoIP re–direction application, you’re able to re–route all customers who come from a particular country to a native language variant of your web site. For example, if you have an Italian variant of your web site, you can easily forward all of the customers from Italy to that page rather than asking to switch to Italian once they visit the English variant. This will help you provide your visitors with a user–friendly online stay from the very start.

There is no need for any specific abilities or computer comprehension to utilize the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s all configured with only a mouse click.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the latest publications on your website

What is RSS? RSS represents a method for submitting and gathering web content. It is becoming widely used by news websites, individual blogging sites, newscasts, etcetera. The posted information is quickly collected by a news aggregator and afterwards made available to the consumer. Working with RSS, customers will be able to gather announcements from multiple web sites and read them in a sole area.

Using the RSS News tool, you can easily include information feeds from some of the world’s most favored publication outlets and exhibit them on your own site.

RSS News