There are several ways in which you can get in touch with the web hosting company whose services you’re using, but the one that you will always find regardless of which company you pick is a support ticket system. It’s the easiest correspondence medium for a variety of reasons. If no help desk team representative is free at the moment and they’re all engaged, a phone call may not be replied to, but a ticket will invariably be received. In addition, you can copy and paste large bits of information without worrying about typing errors, and if a specific issue needs more time to be sorted out or a number of replies have to be exchanged, all the information will be in one place, so either party can always see the steps taken by the other one. The drawback of using tickets to contact your hosting provider is that they are usually separate from the hosting platform, which suggests that if you have to provide info or to follow guidelines, you will have to use at least two different admin interfaces and this number might increase in case you desire to administer multiple domains. Plus, lots of web hosting companies respond to tickets after a few hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a customer, this simply means wasted time while waiting for a response.