We acknowledge the fact that you may have vital info on your virtual or dedicated web server, so we offer an optional backup upgrade you can easily add anytime. While shared hosting servers are backed up on a regular basis by all Internet hosting service providers, this is not the case for standalone servers, so unless you keep a copy of your files on your laptop or computer, you risk losing important data if something goes wrong - deleting something unintentionally or updating a script-driven app unsuccessfully, as an example. With our additional service, we will make a backup of your information on an individual hosting server as to make sure that we shall have a good copy at all times and that we can restore everything the way it was before the issue emerged. The optional upgrade will enable you to manage your content without having to worry about possible breakdowns of any sort.
Weekly Backup in Dedicated Servers
We offer weekly backups for every single dedicated server, so regardless of what Operating System or hosting Control Panel you pick or what content you upload, we can keep a copy of your info on an individual hosting server and restore it whenever you require it. The upgrade supply you with 50 GB of disk space you can use and you'll be able to get it whenever you want with several clicks. If you wish to have backups from the start, for instance, you can obtain the service alongside the dedicated web server, while if you need it later, you'll be able to add it to your package via the billing area. Even though all hardware components are examined thoroughly, a software problem may surface at any time, so using our backup service shall give you additional security, specifically if you have important data on the server. You'll be able to use this service as a part of our Managed Services package deal too as well as a variety of other web server management services that will make the administration of your dedicated server a lot easier.