The quality of the Internet hosting service that you get for your Internet sites is dependent not only on the features that a particular plan comes with, but also on the hardware your web apps work on. Increased CPU speeds, for instance, indicate that the processes running on the hosting server will be performed a lot faster, while more physical memory (RAM) indicates that even more processes can run concurrently. The quality of the hardware could also have an impact on the general performance and reliability of the server. As the web hosting service today includes not just file storage, but also databases, emails, logs, etc, additional processing power is required to run all system processes and to make sure that they function effectively and with no lag. When the hardware is not powerful enough, the result will be sluggish websites and even service timeouts as the machine will not be able to handle all requests to the sites hosted on it.
24-core servers, hardware in Hosting
In case you get a hosting account from our firm, you shall be able to reap the benefits of a very powerful setup that will provide top-notch performance of any web application that you decide to host on our end. We have employed an advanced cloud platform where each aspect of the internet hosting service is taken care of by a separate cluster of servers. Each and every machine which is part of any of the clusters includes 64 GB RAM which will let you run multiple apps, while the speed of your websites shall be guaranteed by powerful 24-core processors and NVMe drives. Every cluster can be expanded by connecting more machines for even more substantial power, which means that there is no upper limit for the resources which our customers could use at a time. Unlike many competitors, we do not run everything on a single machine and we do not save on the hardware at the expense of effectiveness.
24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Servers
In case you decide to purchase a dedicated server from our firm, you will receive a machine with powerful hardware which will satisfy your requirements whatever the type of sites you'd like to run. We use carefully tested components to guarantee that you will not have any kind of hardware troubles, however to be on the safe side, we also have spare parts in our US datacenter where our 24/7 technical support team can easily replace any component almost immediately. With up to 12-core processors, 16 GB physical memory and gigabit network cards, you will get a hosting powerhouse for your web apps and never worry if they will work properly or not. Certainly, if you do not need such a configuration, we offer less powerful servers to match your requirements and budget as well. You'll find the same high-quality hardware with every single dedicated server solution.