FTP, which is short for File Transfer Protocol, is one of the most popular methods for transferring web files between a computer and a web server. Using an FTP software program like FileZilla, you can set up a connection to your web hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or entire directories in both directions and the software will deal with all the rest. There are a number of benefits of employing File Transfer Protocol, among them the possibility to resume a download/upload when there’s a problem with the FTP connection and the option to create different FTP accounts. With the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can access only specific folders in your web hosting account, but no other folders, email accounts or other information, which makes it the very best option in case you need to grant a web designer access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with popular website building apps like Dreamweaver or FrontPage and upload the websites that you’ve created straight from them, without having to use 3rd-party software.
FTP Accounts in Hosting
You can set up as many FTP accounts as you need with any of the hosting that we offer, since we have decided not to limit this functionality. Thus, you can run multiple websites at the same time or grant other individuals access to different folders. As soon as a particular job has been done and you don’t want that individual to be able to connect to your files any longer, you can modify the password associated with the particular FTP account or you can just remove the account with several mouse clicks and quit worrying about someone connecting to it again. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all hosting plans, will allow you to view the full list of the active FTP accounts listed alphabetically. It takes just one single click to manage different options for any of them – to update the password or the access path, to download an auto-config file, etc.