An innovative virtualization architecture

A host OS kernel-based virtual machine virtualization

The key benefit of the KVM virtualization platform lies in the fact that it is integrated straight into the host machine’s OS, cutting the requirement for any extra virtualization layers. This means that there is no requirement for an additional software app that resides between the host machine and the VPSs that have been set up. This also excludes the virtualization layer as a prospective SPOF (single point of failure). All of this suggests faster and far more stable KVM-driven VPSs in comparison to other VPSs.
An innovative virtualization architecture

A pronouncedly improved resource utilization

Effective use of system resources

Virtual machines normally require an additional communication layer between them and the physical server to take care of system resource administration. This implies a noticeably lowered amount of available system resources for the virtual servers themselves. With KVM, this additional layer is eliminated, as the virtualization platform itself is integrated directly into the host server’s Operating System. That is the reason why, all the resources that the physical host machine is offering can be used by the KVM-based virtual servers that have been configured. This system resource availability provides you with that extra advantage you need to be able to make your sites and web apps conspicuously distinguishable from those of your rivals.
A pronouncedly improved resource utilization

Utterly unrestrained Operating System freedom

Run whatever Operating System you like

Traditionally, when you order a VPS, you get to pick from a limited selection of Operating Systems, since they are the only ones the virtualization software offers support for. KVM-driven VPSs, however, do not require any type of virtualization software – they communicate directly with the physical server’s hardware, which enables you to choose virtually any OS that can run on the given server. Do you wish to install BSD on your virtual server? You can achieve this.
Utterly unrestrained Operating System freedom

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Options

Speedier Virtual Private Servers with NVMe drives

Having an NVMe–driven website hosting server could be a big plus as far as web site enhancement is addressed. A site or an app hosted on an NVMe drive will open and work much faster than a site or a web app managed on a common hard disk. Because of this, all of our KVM VPS servers are pre–loaded with NVMe storage space.

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Options

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Topmost safety is warranted

Our system administrators are working hard in partnership with the technical engineers at our data center in the USA to offer a secure network for your VPS. In the data center in US we also deploy the most recently released server equipment and security and safety software tools out there to ensure a 99.9% uptime for your virtual environment.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Complete Root to the Web Hosting Server

Total permission to access to every single aspect of your server

With total root connectivity to your KVM VPS server (with cPanel), you may easily become a manager of your own web server environment. This level of admittance allows you to set up an Operating System or update the Apache server configuration settings. You could also deploy all sorts of software programs and restart the hosting server whenever you need to. By making use of our Installation & Troubleshooting plan, you can leave all the aforementioned hard work to our well–experienced admins.

Complete Root to the Web Hosting Server

A totally free Dedicated IP address

1 unique cost free dedicated IP address with each virtual web hosting server

With each KVM VPS server, you will receive one no cost dedicated IP.

A totally free Dedicated IP address

24/7 Help support

Your VPS will be in trusted hands

Our support team is on duty for your business 24x7 to help you with any tool that your VPS comes pre–installed with. In the event you want assistance with the SolusVM Panel or have queries about the installed website hosting Control Panel, our specialists are glad to help you.

24/7 Help support

Free–Of–Charge Bonuses

A cost–free dedicated IP, a domain name reseller account and much more

Acquire more value for your money. With each KVM VPS server, you can get many free–of–charge bonuses – a dedicated IP address for your website; a domain name reseller account – in the event you wish to jump into the web hosting or website name reseller market.

Free–Of–Charge Bonuses

CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu

Pick the Linux distribution that you prefer

With every KVM VPS server, you are free to choose what Linux OS distribution you will be making use of – Debian, CentOS or Ubuntu.

CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu

No Installation Costs

No secret fees. No special expenses.

By rule, the KVM VPS servers are more powerful than the regular cloud hosting services and are consequently more pricy. So as to optimize the cost of a KVM VPS server, we have done our best to cut down the set–up costs and we won’t bill you any VPS configuration charges. Furthermore, we won’t demand any other additional charges after your VPS starts off working. The price tag that you find on our web site is the final price that you will be billed every 4 weeks.

No Installation Costs

Service–Level Guarantees

A 99.9% system uptime and no setup service fees

We have put in loads of time and hard work in making our private inner network. This is why, we are able to confidently promise a 99.9% uptime for your VPS. Furthermore, your new VPS hosting server is going to be completely working in nearly 60 min without any extra setup costs. To summarize, every single KVM VPS server is protected with a 99.9% networking uptime warranty, a 1–hour set–up guarantee as well as a 24x7 support service. Plus, there aren’t any startup fees in any way.

Service–Level Guarantees

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Make money using your server

Experience the power of the MotivatedTalents hosting Control Panel in initiating your very own reseller web hosting venture easily. Make use of the Account Management option to set up as many as five independent sub-accounts, each ready for resale to your chosen clientele. Even if reselling web hosting isn't your main goal, using additional accounts can effectively balance out maintenance expenses related to the server. Please remember that while Managed Support packages are provided, help with billing matters or customer support is not within our area of expertise.

Hepsia Reseller Tools